Lukas Irmler
SlackliningSince the very first day – my passion Since 2011, after finishing my Bachelor of Science in Chemisty, i am a professional Slackliner and ...

Simon Gietl
Climbing / AlpinismLate starter! In Schiller's words: "Early practice makes perfect." Simon Gietl has shown us that there is also another way. As an ...

Marc Fabian Widmer
TriathlonThis is Marc! Marc is a professional triathlete who was born in St. Gallen. After 10 years as a world cup athlete of the Swiss National team ...

Marina Ilmer
Racing BikeNever give up! What Marina starts with, always ends up being a success! This athletic woman is originally from South Tirol and she is among ...

Steve Ratzisberger
SurfingOn the River! Steve Ratzisberger surfed his first wave in the sea, but in a river - on the Eisbach in Munich. Of course, he soon tried to surf ...

Felix Hohm
TriathlonNew challenge! Felix is a new comer in the triathlon scene. Having successfully played over 16 years of volleyball, he was searching for a new ...

Fabian Oberhofer
Kitesurfing / SnowkitingStormy! Fabian is a passionate kite surfer and snow kiter who tries to spend each free minute on the water or on the snow. He takes part in ...

Daniel Jung
Marathon, Cross Country MTBLive your dream! 28-year-old Daniel comes from South Tyrol and has a passion for mountain biking. For seven years he has been following his ...

Roger Schäli
professional mountaineerRoger Schäli was born in 1978 in Sörenberg / Switzerland. He is today one of the world bests all-round alpinists and a professional ...